Brecke Chiropractic would like to welcome to our practice, massage therapist Alexandra “Alex” Voss, of VOSS Bodyworks.

Alex joins us with 18 years of hands on experience. Her advanced degrees in neuroscience and biology bring a unique perspective to her body work. She also teaches advanced massage therapy techniques and is certified as an instructor by the Nevada state board of Massage.
Alex specializes in clients with neurological disorders: Stroke, Parkinson’s, MS, Fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, Neuropathy, Curvatures of the spine, disc herniations, pre and post spinal and orthopedic surgery treatment, pinched nerves, gait retraining, proprioceptive re-education, chronic idiopathic pain syndromes. Also specializes in Myofascial ReleaseTherapeutic MassageTrigger Point TherapyMassage Therapy
To set an appointment with Alex, call the Brecke Chiropractic office.
Certification and Licensure
- State License NVMT #4126
- Certified member of ABMP since 2004: Associated Bodywork & Massage professionals
- B.S. Neuroscience from University of Nevada, Reno
- A.S. Biology Summa Cum Laude from Western Nevada College
- 4.0 Graduate Everest College of Massage Therapy
Visit Alex’s website at